Registration & abstract submission details
Abstract submission for talk and poster contributions opens on April 4th and closes on June 17th. You can submit your English abstracts (max. 300 words). Expectedly, we will reply by the end of July and inform you about whether your abstract got accepted and for what kind of presentation you are planned.
The registration fee for any participant will be 40 € (additional costs for social events might apply).
To submit your abstract and register for the conference, please fill in this form (available as of April 4th).
As the world is growing and there are more and more researchers from different countries working in Germany, we decided that the language of this year's conference (including all talks and posters) is English.
You can also apply to participate at the conference without contributing. For this, you can fill in the form above until September 30th and check the box Attendance without contribution. Of course, you can also participate in the social events.
Please note that we can only offer a attendance-only option if we have not reached our participant capacity limits for the conference. So, we cannot guarantee to accept all attendance-only requests.
You can choose to give a talk or present a poster at the HexKoP.
Please note that we may have to change the contribution type if too many contributions of one type will be registered.
For a talk, you have 15 minutes to present your research to the audience. Afterwards, there is time for a brief discussion (5 minutes). You can use Powerpoint or PDF slides to visualize your presentation.
Please send us the slides for your talk until October 6th. It is mandatory to send a PDF version of your talk. Additionally, you can also send a PowerPoint file.
If you want to present a poster, please display your project on a printed poster in upright A0 format.