
2023 and in press

Reisenzein, R., Corr, P., & Krupic, D. (in press). Motivation, emotions, and personality. In: P. Corr and D. Krupic (Eds.), Personality and Intelligence. The psychology of individual differences. Oxford: Oxford University Press,

Reisenzein, R. (in press). Emotion theories of the 19th century at the rise of scientific psychology: Darwin, James, Wundt, Meinong, and Freud. In A. Scarantino (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Emotion Theory. London: Routledge.

Reisenzein, R., & Franikowski, P. (2023). On the latency of object recognition and affect: Evidence from temporal order and simultaneity judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,151(12), 3060–3081.



Reisenzein, R., & Schmidt, P. (2022). Emotional Feelings: Evaluative perceptions or position-takings? Introduction to the Special Issue. Emotion Review, 14(4).

Reisenzein, R. (2022). Emotions as affective position-takings and as nonconceptual meta-representations: A comparison. Emotion Review, 14(4).

Franikowski, P., & Reisenzein, R. (2022). On the latency of object recognition and affect: Evidence from speeded reaction time tasks. Emotion, 23(2), 486–503.

Reisenzein, R. (2022). Back to Arnold? Three problems for the social functional theory of emotion. Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.



Reisenzein, R. (2021). Tasks for a theoretical psychology of emotion. Cognition and Emotion, Online First (Oct 26, 2021).

Franikowski, P., Kriegeskorte, L.-S., & Reisenzein, R. (2021). Perceptual latencies of object recognition and affect measured with the rotating spot method: Chronometric evidence for semantic primacy. Emotion, 21(8), 1744–1759.

Reisenzein, R. (2021). Reply to Ruth Leys. Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture, 5.1.

Reisenzein, R. (2021). Beliefs, desires, and emotions: A theory of emotions and some implications for the understanding of viewer reactions to TV serials. In Nannicelli, T. & Pérez, H. (Eds.), Cognition, emotion, and aesthetics in contemporary serial television. London: Routledge.



Reisenzein, R. (2020). Book review of Ruth Leys, The ascent of affect: Genealogy and critique. Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture, 4.2.

Reisenzein, R., Hildebrandt, A., & Weber, H. (2020). Personality and emotion. In P. J. Corr & G. Matthews (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology (2nd Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ludwig, J., Reisenzein, R., & Hiemisch, A. (2020). Effects of instrumentality and personal force on deontological and utilitarian inclinations in harm-related moral dilemmas. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.



Reisenzein, R. (2019). Emotionen aus kognitionswissenschaftlicher Sicht. In H. Kappelhoff, J.-H. Bakels, C. Schmitt, & H. Lehmann (Hrsg.), Emotionen. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler.

Pérez, H., J., & Reisenzein, R. (2019). On Jon Snow's death: Plot twist and global fandom in Game of Thrones. Culture & Psychology (Online First April 2019).

Reisenzein, R. (2019). Cognition and Emotion: A plea for theory.Cognition and Emotion, 33, 109-118.



Reisenzein, R. (2018). Naturalized aesthetics and emotion theory. Projections, 12, 76-85.

Reisenzein, R.(2018). Emotionen in Lern- und Leistungskontexten. In B. Spinath, O. Dickhäuser, & C. Schöne (Hrsg.), Psychologie der Motivation und Emotion (S. 80-107). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Junge, M., & Reisenzein, R. (2018). Emotionen. In J. Strohmer (Hrsg). Psychologische Grundlagen für Fachkräfte in Kindergarten, Krippe und Hort  (S. 71-79). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Reisenzein, R., & Rudolph, U. (2018). The attributional theory of motivation and emotion: Not surprisingly, true (Commentary). Motivation Science, 4, 21-23.



Reisenzein, R., Horstmann, G., & Schützwohl, A. (2017). The cognitive-evolutionary model of surprise: A review of the evidence. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1-25.

Reisenzein, R., & Horstmann, G. (2017). Emotion. In A. Kiesel & H. Spada (Hrsg.) Lehrbuch Allgemeine Psychologie(4. Auflage) (S. 423-492). Bern: Hogrefe.

Reisenzein, R. (2017). Cognitive theory of emotion. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackleford (eds.) Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing.

Durán, J. I., Reisenzein, R., &  Fernández-Dols, J.-M. (2017). Coherence between emotions and facial expressions: A research synthesis. In J.-M. Fernandez-Dols & J. A. Russell (Eds.).The Science of Facial Expression (pp. 107-129). New York: Oxford University Press.

Reisenzein, R. (2017). The legacy of cognition-arousal theory: Introduction to a special section of Emotion ReviewEmotion Review, 9, 3-6.

Reisenzein, R. (2017). Varieties of cognition-arousal theoryEmotion Review, 9, 17-26.



Junge, M., & Reisenzein, R. (2016). Metric scales for emotion measurement. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 58, 497-530.

Reisenzein, R. (2016). Theories of emotion. In H. L. Miller (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of theory in psychology (pp. 264-267). Sage Publications.

Lau, S., & Reisenzein, R. (2016). Evidence for the context dependence of the Side-Effect EffectJournal of Cognition and Culture, 16, 267-293.



ReisenzeinR. (2015). On the universality of the attribution-affect model of helpingInternational Journal of Psychology50, 308-311.

Reisenzein, R. (2015). Social emotions from the perspective of the computational belief-desire theory of emotion. In A. Herzig & E. Lorini (Eds.), The cognitive foundations of group attitudes and social interaction (Studies in the philosophy of sociality, Vol. 5,  pp. 153-176). Berlin: Springer.

Mchitarjan, I. & Reisenzein, R. (2015). The culture-transmission motive in immigrants: A world-wide internet surveyPLOS ONE (Public Library of Science). 10(11): e0141625, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141625  .

Reisenzein, R. (2015). A short history of psychological perspectives on emotion. In: R. A. Calvo, S. K. D'Mello, J. Gratch, & A. Kappas (Eds.): Oxford Handbook of Affective Computing (pp. 21-37). Oxford: Oxford University Press.



Junge, M., & Reisenzein, R. (2014). Maximum Likelihood Difference Scaling versus Ordinal Difference Scaling of emotion intensity: A comparison. Quality and Quantity, 49, 2169-2185. DOI 10.1007/s11135-014-0100-1 

Reisenzein, R. (2014). The attributional approach to emotion and motivation: Introduction to a Special Section of Emotion Review. Emotion Review, 6, 332-335.

Reisenzein, R., Junge, M., Studtmann, M., & Huber, O. (2014). Observational approaches to the measurement of emotions. In: R. Pekrun & L. Linnenbrink-Garcia (Eds.), International Handbook of Emotions in Education (pp. 580-606). Taylor & Francis / Routledge.

Reisenzein, R., & Stephan, A. (2014). More on James and the physical basis of emotion. Emotion Review, 6, 35-46.



Reisenzein, R., & Siemer, M. (2013). Stimmungen aus der Sicht der kognitiv-motivationalen Theorie der Emotion [Moods from the perspective of the cognitive-motivational theory of emotion]. In F. Reents & B. Meyer-Sickendiek (Hrsg). Stimmung und Methode [Mood and Method] (pp. 95-117). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Reisenzein, R., Hudlicka, E., Dastani, M., Gratch, J., Lorini, E., Hindriks, K., & Meyer, J.-J. (2013). Computational modeling of emotion: Towards improving the inter- and intradisciplinary exchange. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 4, 246-266.

Junge, M., & Reisenzein, R. (2013). Indirect scaling methods for testing quantitative emotion theories. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 1247-1275.

Reisenzein, R., Roberts, R. C., Coricelli, G., Joffily, M. & Gratch, J. (2013). Emotion [Emotion]. In A. Stephan & S. Walter (Hg.) Handbuch Kognitionswissenschaft[Handbook of cognitive science] (pp. 258-274). Stuttgart: Metzler.

Reisenzein, R., Studtmann, M., & Horstmann, G. (2013). Coherence between emotion and facial expression: Evidence from laboratory experiments. Emotion Review, 5, 16-23.



Macedo, L., Reisenzein, R., & Cardoso, A. (2012). Surprise and anticipation in learning. In N. M. Seel (Ed.) Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 3250-3253). Springer US.

Müller, A.-W., & ReisenzeinR. (2012). Emotionen - Natur und Funktion [Emotions - their nature and function] . (Reihe Philosophie und Psychologie im Gespräch.) Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.

Reisenzein, R. (2012). Extending the belief-desire theory of emotions to fantasy emotions. Proceedings of the ICCM 2012, 313-314.

Schützwohl, A., & Reisenzein, R. (2012). Facial expressions in response to a highly surprising event exceeding the field of vision: A test of Darwin’s theory of surprise. Evolution & Human Behavior, 33, 657-664.

Reisenzein, R. (2012). What is an emotion in the Belief-Desire Theory of emotion?. In F. Paglieri, L. Tummolini, R. Falcone & M. Miceli (Eds.), The goals of cognition: Essays in honor of Cristiano Castelfranchi (pp. 181-211). London: College Publications.

Reisenzein, R. (2012). Fantasiegefühle aus der Sicht der kognitiv-motivationalen Theorie der Emotion [Fantasy emotions from the perspective of the cognitive-motivational theory of emotion]. In S. Poppe, (Hg.), Emotionen in Literatur und Film [Emotions in literature and film] (S. 31-63). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.

Reisenzein, R., & Junge, M. (2012). Language and emotion from the perspective of the computational belief-desire theory of emotion. In P. A. Wilson (Ed.)Dynamicity in emotion concepts (Lodz Studies in Language27, 37-59). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Reisenzein, R., Meyer, W.-U., & Niepel, M. (2012). Surprise. In V. S. Ramachandran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, 2nd ed. (pp. 564-570). Elsevier.



Reisenzein, R. (2010). Broadening the scope of affect detection research. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing1, 42-45.

Mchitarjan, I., & Reisenzein, R. (2010). Kulturtransmission bei Minderheiten: Ein Theorieentwurf. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation4, 421-435.

Iorio, M., & Reisenzein, R. (2010). (Hg.). Regel, Norm, Gesetz. Eine interdiziplinäre Bestandsaufnahme [Rule, norm, law: An interdisciplinary survey]. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.

Reisenzein, R. (2010). Moralische Gefühle aus der Sicht der kognitiv-motivationalen Theorie der Emotion [Moral emotions from the perspective of the cognitive-motivational theory of emotion]. In M. Iorio & R. Reisenzein (Hg.), Regel, Norm, Gesetz. Eine interdiziplinäre Bestandsaufnahme [Rule, norm, law: An interdisciplinary survey] (S. 257-283). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.



Reisenzein, R., & Döring, S. (2009). Ten Perspectives on emotional experience: Introduction to the Special issue. Emotion Review1, 195-205.

Reisenzein, R. (2009). Emotional experience in the computational belief-desire theory of emotion. Emotion Review1, 214-222.

Reisenzein, R. (2009). Emotions as metarepresentational states of mind: Naturalizing the belief-desire theory of emotion. Cognitive Systems Research10, 6-20.

Macedo, L., Cardoso, A., Reisenzein, R., Lorini, L., & Castelfranchi, C. (2009). Artificial surprise. In: J. Vallverdú, & D. Casacuberta (Eds.) Handbook of research on synthetic emotions and sociable robotics: New applications in affective computing and artificial intelligence (pp. 267-291). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Reisenzein, R. (2009). On literary works as simulations that run on minds. Emotion Review1, 35-36.

Reisenzein, R., & Weber, H. (2009). Personality and emotion. In: P. J. Corr, & G. Matthews (Eds.) Cambridge handbook of personality psychology (pp. 54-71). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reisenzein, R. (2009). Einschätzung [Appraisal]. In: V. Brandstätter & J. H. Otto (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie -- Motivation und Emotion (S. 435-445). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Studtmann, M., Otto, J. H., & Reisenzein, R. (2009). Methoden zur Induktion von Emotionen [Methods of emotion induction]. In: V. Brandstätter & J. H. Otto (Hrsg.),Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie --  Motivation und Emotion (S. 540-549).Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Reisenzein, R., & Meyer, W.-U. (2009). Surprise. In D. Sander & K. R. Scherer (Eds.), Oxford companion to the affective sciences (pp. 386-387). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reisenzein, R. (2009). Schachter-Singer theory of emotion. In D. Sander & K. R. Scherer (Eds.), Oxford companion to the affective sciences (pp. 352-353). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reisenzein, R. (2009). Relevance detection. In D. Sander & K. R. Scherer (Eds.),Oxford companion to the affective sciences (pp. 339-340). Oxford: Oxford University Press.



Rudolph, U., & Reisenzein, R. (2008). 50 years of attribution research (Editorial).Social Psychology, 39, 123-124.

Reisenzein, R., & Rudolph, U. (2008). The discovery of common-sense psychology. Social Psychology, 39, 125-133.

Reisenzein, R., & Mchitarjan, I. (2008). "The teacher who had the greatest influence on my thinking": Tracing Meinong's influence on Heider. Social Psychology, 39, 141-150.



Reisenzein, R. (2007). What is a definition of emotion? And are emotions mental-behavioral processes? Social Science Information46, 424-428.

Reisenzein, R., & Studtmann, M. (2007). On the expression and experience of surprise: No evidence for facial feedback, but evidence for a reverse self-inference effect. Emotion, 7, 612-627.

Siemer, M., & Reisenzein, R. (2007). The process of emotion inference. Emotion, 7, 1-20.

Siemer, M., & Reisenzein, R. (2007). Appraisals and emotions: Can you have one without the other? Emotion, 7, 26-29.



Reisenzein, R. (2006). Emotions as metarepresentational states of mind. In Trappl, R. (Ed.), Cybernetics and Systems 2006 (Vol. 2, pp. 649-653). Proceedings of the 18th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies.

Macedo, L., Cardoso, A., & Reisenzein, R. (2006). A surprise-based agent architecture. In R. Trappl,  (Ed.), Cybernetics and Systems 2006 (Vol. 2). Proceedings of the 18th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies.

Reisenzein, R., Bördgen, S., Holtbernd, T., & Matz, D. (2006). Evidence for strong dissociation between emotion and facial displays: The case of surprise. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 295-315.

Reisenzein, R. (2006). Arnold's theory of emotion in historical perspective.Cognition and Emotion, 20, 920-951.

Reisenzein, R. (2006). Motivation [Motivation]. In K. Pawlik (Ed.), Handbuch Psychologie [Handbook of Psychology] (pp. 239-247). Berlin: Springer.

Reisenzein, R. (2006). Denken und Emotionen [Thinking and emotions]. In J. Funke & P. A. Frensch (Eds.), Handbuch der Allgemeinen Pychologie - Kognition (Handbuch der Psychologie, Band 4, pp. 475-484). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Reisenzein, R. & Horstmann, G. (2006). Emotion [Emotion]. In H. Spada (Ed.)Lehrbuch Allgemeine Psychologie (3. Auflage, pp. 435-500). Bern: Huber.