Dr. Laura Altweck
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Lebensereignisse (über die Lebensspanne)
- Interkulturelle Vergleiche
- Geschlechterunterschiede
- Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit
- DDR-PSYCH - DDR-Vergangenheit und psychische Gesundheit.
Teilprojekt: Biographische Übergänge, psychosoziale Ressourcen & subjektive Lebensqualität. Gefördert durch das BMBF. Laufzeit: April 2019 - März 2023. - iCAN. Intelligente, Chatbot-assistierte Nachsorge der Depression bei Jugend-lichen und jungen Erwachsenen. Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Eva-Lotta Brakemeier
- CAT. Child to Adult Transitions: enabling good transition processes from child to adult medical care. Projektleitung: Ada Colic, MD
- Tägliche Zeitnutzung und Lebensqualität von Eltern. Eine Pilotstudie zum Einfluss situativer und persönlicher Faktoren mittels Ecological Momentary Assessment

Lehrstuhl Gesundheit & Prävention
Robert-Blum-Str. 13 - Raum 003
17487 Greifswald
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3813
WiSe 2023/24 |
“Data Science für angewandte Psychologie” (Seminar, MSc Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Forschung in Wissenschaft und Praxis”) |
WiSe 2023/24 |
„Wissenschaftliches Schreiben und Argumentieren“” (Seminar, BSc Psychologie) |
WiSe 2022/23 |
„Wissenschaftliches Schreiben und Argumentieren“” (3 Seminare, BSc Psychologie) |
- Sequence Analysis Association (2023 - jetzt)
- Co-Vorstandsvorsitzende der Freunde und Förderer der Psychologischen Hochschule Berlin e. V. (2023 – jetzt)
- Wellbeing & Older Women@Work: the European Network (2023 – jetzt)
- International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) (2021- jetzt)
Eingewobene Förderungen
- 2023: Förderprogramm: “Zuschüsse für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen zur aktiven Konferenzteilnahme im In- und Ausland” von der Universität Greifswald (€500).
- 2023: Förderprogramm: “Anschubfinanzierung für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen” von der Universität Greifswald (€9.971,80).
- 2021: Förderprogramm: “Kongressreisen 21_W1” des Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst German Academic Exchange Service (€300).
- 2014: Förderprogramm: Vice-Chancellor’s Travel Prize for Postgraduate Research (500 GBP).
Beruflicher Werdegang
seit 2019 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Greifswald |
2019 | Sozialarbeiterin im Betreuten Einzelwohnen bei die reha (Berlin) |
2016 - 2018 | Familienarbeiterin bei The Westminster Society for people with learning disabilities (London, England) |
2017 - 2018 | Therapeutin beim Krisendienst ‘Samaritans’ (London, England) |
2013 - 2018 | Sozialassistentin und Koordinatorin bei Creative Support (London, England) |
2011 - 2012 | Pflegerin bei Bluebird Care (London, England) |
2011 | Psychologin beim Tageszentrum m32 (Berlin) |
Akademische Ausbildung
2012 - 2016 | Promotion: Doktor der Philosophie (PhD) an der Brunel University (London, England) |
2011 - 2012 | Master of Science in Interkultureller Psychologie an der Brunel University (London, England) |
2007 - 2010 | Bachelor of Arts (Honours) der Psychologie an der Swansea University (Swansea, Wales) |
2005 - 2007 | Abitur: International Baccalaureate an der Overseas School of Colombo (Colombo, Sri Lanka) |
Zeitschriftenbeiträge (* geteilte Erstautor*innenschaft)
- Altweck, L., Schmidt, S., & Tomczyk, S. (2024). Daily Time-Use Patterns and Quality of Life in Parents: Protocol for a Pilot Quasi-Experimental, Nonrandomized Controlled Trial Using Ecological Momentary Assessment. JMIR Research Protocols, 13(1), doi: 10.2196/54728
- Hahm*, S., Altweck*, L., Schmidt, S., … Muehlan, H. (2024). Trajectories of Satisfaction with Life Following a Collective, Critical Life Event and Their Relationship with Sociodemographic Factors and Internal Migration: The Example of the German Reunification 1989/90. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 1-21. doi: 10.1007/s11482-024-10337-6
- Hahm, S., Altweck, L., Schmidt, S., … Muehlan, H. (2024). How socio-political change is associated with the number of individually reported negative life events: a population-based study using the German reunification 1989/1990 as an example. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. doi: 10.1136/jech-2023-221549
- Altweck, L., Freund, J., Hahm, S., Schmidt, S., & Tomczyk, S. (2023). Collective loneliness: The impact of the social network on loneliness and depression during the coronavirus pandemic in older Europeans. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39(1), doi: 10.1002/gps.6045
- Hahm*, S., Altweck*, L., Franz, H., Schmidt, S., Fleischer, T., Helmert, C., ... & Muehlan, H. (2023). Nach-Wende-Ereignisse und deren Assoziation mit psychosozialer Gesundheit in einer nordostdeutschen Stichprobe. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 69(3), 218-234. https://doi.org/10.13109/zptm.2023.69.3.218
- Helmert, C., Speerforck, S., Fleischer, T., Otten, D., Kasinger, C., Braehler, E., Muehlan, H., Altweck, L., ... & Ulke, C. Explorative analyses on spatial differences in the desire for social distance towards people with mental illness in a diverging city. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1260118. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1260118
- Helmert, C., Fleischer, T., Speerforck, S., Ulke, C., Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Muehlan, H., Schmidt, S., Grabe, H. J., Völzke, H. & Schomerus, G. (2023). An explorative cross-sectional analysis of mental health shame and help-seeking intentions in different lifestyles. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 10825.
- Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Schmidt, S., Ulke, C., Fleischer, T., Helmert, C., Speerforck, S., Schomerus, G., Beutel, M. E., Brähler, E., & Muehlan, H. (2022). Even Now Women Focus on Family, Men on Work: An Analysis of Employment, Marital, and Reproductive Life-Course Typologies in Relation to Change in Health-Related Quality of Life. Applied Research Quality Life. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-022-10130-3
- *Altweck, L., *Tomczyk, S., & Schmidt, S. (2022). Under contract and in good health: a multigroup cross-lagged panel model of time use and health-related quality of life in working-age men and women. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 20(1), 1-11. doi.org/10.1186/s12955-022-02052-3
- Otten, D., Heller, A., Kasinger, C., Brähler, E., Sachser, C., Altweck, L., Beutel, M., & Fegert, J. M. (2022). Somatisierung, Depressivität und Angst bei Binnenmigrierten in einer deutschen repräsentativen Stichprobe. PPmP-Psychotherapie· Psychosomatik· Medizinische Psychologie, 72. doi.org/10.1055/a-1880-0347
- Tomczyk*, S., Altweck*, L., & Schmidt, S. (2021). How is the way we spend our time related to psychological wellbeing? A cross-sectional analysis of time-use patterns in the general population and its associations with wellbeing and life satisfaction. BMC Public Health, 21(1858), 2-9, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11712-w.
- Ulke, C., Fleischer, T., Muehlan, H., Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Glaesmer, H., Fegert, J. M., Zenger, M., Grabe, H. J., Schmidt, S., Beutel, M. E., Schomerus, G., Brähler, E., & Speerforck, S. (2021). Socio-political context as determinant of childhood maltreatment: a population-based study among women and men in East and West Germany. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 30.
- Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Muehlan, H., Gfesser, T., Ulke, C., Speerforck, S., Schomerus, G., Beutel, M. E., Brähler, E., & Schmidt, S. (2021). The interplay of gender, social context, and long-term unemployment effects on subjective health trajectories. BMC public health, 21(1), 1-11, doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-10324-8
- Ulke, C., Gfesser, T., Fleischer, T., Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Muehlan, H., Heller, A., Beutel, M. E., Schmidt, S., Grabe, H. J., Schmorus, G., Brähler, E., & Speerforck, S. (2021). Later-life depressive symptoms and anxiety attacks in displaced and nondisplaced populations. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 3, 1-5, doi.org/10.1016/j.jadr.2020.100061
- Altweck, L., Marshall, T. C., Ferenczi, N., & Lefringhausen, K. (2015). Mental health literacy: a cross-cultural approach to knowledge and beliefs about depression, schizophrenia and generalized anxiety disorder. Frontiers in psychology, 6.
- Altweck, L., & Marshall, T. C. (2015). When You have Lived in a Different Culture, Does Returning ‘Home’ not Feel like Home? Predictors of Psychological Readjustment to the Heritage Culture. PLOS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124393.
- Reed, P., Altweck, L., Broomfield, L., Simpson, A., & McHugh, L. (2012). Effect of Observing-Response Procedures on Overselectivity in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, doi: 1088357612457986.
Buchkapitel (* geteilte Erstautor*innenschaft)
- *Altweck, L., *Hahm, S., Metsch, M., Schmidt, S., Ulke, C., Fleischer, T., Helmert, C., Speerforck, S., Schomerus, G., Grabe, H. J., Klinger-König, J., Beutel, M. E., Brähler, E., & Muehlan, H. (2024). The association of subjective health complaints with trauma exposure and additional PTSD in a Northeast German sample. In A. Heller & P. Schmidt (Eds.). Thirty Years After the Berlin Wall German Unification and Transformation Research (1st ed., pp.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.4324/9781003427469-12
- Heller, A., Altweck, L., Hahm, S., & Michalski, N. (2024). The (fe-)male breadwinner? Beliefs towards gender roles in East Germany: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis. In A. Heller & P. Schmidt (Eds.). Thirty Years After the Berlin Wall German Unification and Transformation Research (1st ed., pp.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.4324/9781003427469-12
Kongressbeiträge (*Vortragende/r Autor/in)
- *Altweck, L., Schmidt, S., & Tomczyk, S. (2024) Gender Role Beliefs and Work-Family Conflict on Daily Stress and Well-being: An Exploratory Study in Germany. Presented in the symposium “Barriers Faced by Working Women at Different Stages of Their Careers: Evidence from Varied Methodological Studies” at the G-Versity in Bern, Switzerland.
- *Altweck, L. (2023). Symposium: “Moving for a better life?: Sociodemographic and health factors of inner German migration”. Symposium coordination at the 27th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
- *Altweck, L. , Hahm, S., Schmidt, S., & Muehlan, H. (2023). Employment-family life courses and psychosocial health in inner German migrants and non-migrants. Presented in the symposium “Moving for a better life?: Sociodemographic and health factors of inner German migration” at the 27th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
- *Hahm, S., Altweck, L., Schmidt, S., & Muehlan, H.(2023). Life satisfaction trajectories after German reunification and their relation to internal migration. Presented in the symposium “Moving for a better life?: Sociodemographic and health factors of inner German migration” at the 27th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
- *Tomczyk, S., Schroeder, B., Yalcindag, B., Cayman, A., Wiseman-Gregg, K., McNeil, M., Gonzalez-Roz, A., Altweck, L., Leguizamo, F., & Gervilla, E. (2023). Psychology Around the World - Assessing the Potential of Curriculum-Based Intercultural Exchange for Climate Action across Four Countries. Presented at the 31st annual meeting The Role of Prevention Science in Achieving Social Justice and Health Equity for All.
- *Altweck, L. (2023). Discussant of the session „Gender, Subjective Well-Being and Value Change“ at the 12th LCSR International Workshop “Recent Advances in Cross-Cultural Research”.
- *Altweck, L., Freund, J., Hahm, S., Schmidt, S., & Tomczyk, S. (2023) Collective Loneliness: The Impact of Social Network Size on Loneliness and Depression during the Corona Pandemic in Collectivist and Individualist European Countries. Presented at the 12th LCSR International Workshop “Recent Advances in Cross-Cultural Research”.
- *Altweck, L., Schröder, L., Schmidt, S., & Tomczyk, S. (2023). Gender or Country? Analysing Determinants of Daily Time-Use and Psychosocial Health in Italy and Norway. Presented at the 8th European User Conference for EU-Microdata.
- Helmert, C., Fleischer, T., Speerforck, S., Ulke, C., Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Muehlan, H., Schmidt, S., Grabe, H., Völzke, H., & Schomerus, G. (2022) Scham und Intentionen, sich bei psychischen Erkrankungen Hilfe zu suchen, in verschiedenen Lebensstilen – Eine explorative Querschnittsanalyse. Presented at the DGSMP / DGMS. doi.org/10.1055/s-0042-1753614
- *Altweck, L.,Hahm, S., Schmidt, S., & Mühlan, H. (2022). Hope equals happiness…everywhere? The interplay of optimism, social context, life course typologies, and subjective mental health in an East and West German population sample. Presented at the Regional Cultural Differences Conference.
- *Altweck, L.,Hahm, S., Mühlan, H., & Schmidt, S. (2022). After the wall came down: Long-term patterns of life course trajectories in East vs West Germans. Presented at the 26th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
- *Hahm, S., Altweck, L.,Mühlan, H., & Schmidt, S. (2022). Differential trajectories of life satisfaction in East and West Germany following reunification. Presented at the 26th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
- *McLaren, T., Marshall, T. & Altweck, L. (2022). What predicts and mediates psychological distress in a sample of third culture individuals?. Presented at the 26th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
- Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Mühlan, H., & Schmidt, S. (2021). Employment and family life course typologies in the 25 years following the German reunification: Associations with subjective health, wellbeing, and social context. Presented at the ISOQOL 28th Annual Conference (online)
- *Muehlan, H., Hahm, S., Altweck, L., Brähler, E., & Schmidt, S. (2021). In der Sprache vereint? Analysen zum Differential Item Functioning in Abhängigkeit von ost- vs. westdeutscher Sozialisation am Beispiel der Erfassung ressourcenorientierter Konstrukte. Präsentation auf dem DGMP/DGMS Kongress 2021 (online). Publiziertes Abstract in: Das Gesundheitswesen 83(8).
- *Hahm, S., Altweck, L., Mühlan, H., Fleischer, T., Ulke, C., Speerforck, S., Schomerus, G., Beutel, M. E., Brähler, E., & Schmidt, S. (2021). The impact of unemployment and childbirth on trajectories of life satisfaction in different social contexts. 35th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society.
- *Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Mühlan, H., Klinger-König, J., Grabe, H. J., Fleischer, T., Ulke, C., Speerforck, S., Schomerus, G., Schmidt, C. O., Beutel, M. E., Brähler, E., & Schmidt, S. (2021). How partnership, reproduction, and housing life courses are linked to mental and physical subjective health. 35th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society.
- *Tomczyk, S., McLaren, T., & Altweck, L., (2021). Investigating patterns of behavioral (non-)compliance in the COVID-19 pandemic across 27 countries. Symposium: „To socialize or not to socialize: a cross-cultural perspective on social behavior during COVID-19“. IACCP 2020+ Virtual: 25th International Congress: International Association for Cross- Cultural Psychology.
- *Buchinger, L., Altweck, L., & Tomczyk, S. (2021). Weekly activities in East and West Germany during the first COVID-19 lockdown. Symposium: „To socialize or not to socialize: a cross-cultural perspective on social behavior during COVID-19“. IACCP 2020+ Virtual: 25th International Congress: International Association for Cross- Cultural Psychology.
- *Altweck, L., & Tomczyk, S. (2021). Socializing after the COVID-19 lockdown: an examination across individualist-collectivist Europe. Symposium: „To socialize or not to socialize: a cross-cultural perspective on social behavior during COVID-19“. IACCP 2020+ Virtual: 25th International Congress: International Association for Cross- Cultural Psychology.
- *Tomczyk, S. & Altweck, L., (2021). Time is … health? Association between latent profiles of daily time use and well-being in a cross-sectional sample of the German population. ISQOLS2021 (ISQOLS 2021: Quality-of-life and adaptation in a virulent world).
- *Hahm, S., Altweck, L., Muehlan, H., Klinger-König, J., Grabe, H. J., Gfesser, T., Ulke, C., Speerforck, S., Schomerus, G., Beutel, M. E., Brähler, E., Schmidt, C.O., Schmidt, S. (2020). Negative Lebensereignisse nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung 1989/90 und ihr langfristiger Einfluss auf subjektive Gesundheit: Der moderierende Effekt des Alters. 15. Jahrestagung DGEpi.
- *Altweck, L., & Marshall, TC. (2014). Knowledge and beliefs about mental illness: a cross-cultural comparison. 22nd International Congress: International Association for Cross- Cultural Psychology.
Weitere Vorträge (*Vortragende/r Autor/in)
- Altweck*, L., & de Veer*, A. (2024). Moderations der Veranstaltung des Fördervereins der PHB “innenSicht: Weibliche Karrierepfade in der akademischen Arbeitswelt”
- *Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Schmidt, S. & Muehlan, H. (2024). Exploring employment and family life courses in young adulthood and effects on subjective well-being in older age. Webinar Series of the Ronald F. Inglehart Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR).
- *Altweck, L., Hahm, S., Schmidt, S. & Muehlan, H. (2024). The influence of life courses in young adulthood on subjective well-being: A cross-European perspective. Webinar Series of the Sequence Analysis Association.
- *Hahm, S., Altweck, L., Schmidt, S. & Muehlan, H. (2024). Linking Life Courses: Analyzing the Effects of Partnership, Reproduction, and Housing on Mental and Physical Subjective Health. Webinar Series of the Sequence Analysis Association.
- *Altweck, L., & Hahm, S. (2023). “Zwischen Belastung und Wandel: Psychosoziale Gesundheit nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung" in der Vortragsreihe "Generation Wende: Gesundheit nach Zeiten des Umbruchs”