Chair of General Psychology (Focus: Cognitive Psychology)

Principle Investigator: Prof. Dr. Rico Fischer


Evelyn Reichel

Room 202
Consultation hours:
Monday+Thursday, 9-12am/2-4pm

Tel.: +49 (0) 3834 420 3771
Fax: +49 (0) 3834 420 3763


This site provides information about the range of courses and exams in General Psychology and Research Methods.

General Psychology

General Psychology focuses on basic processes of human experience and behavior. Exemplary topics are perception, attention, consciousness, action regulation, thinking and decision-making, problem solving, memory and speech (General Psychology I) as well as motivation, emotion, and learning (General Psychology II).

General Psychology is mainly interested in the functioning of these basic mental features and therefore provides the fundamental science for other psychological sub-disciplines and application areas.

Research Methods and Evaluation Methodology

Research Methodology is the basic prerequisite for understanding psychology as an empirical science by providing methodological foundations of design, implementation and evaluation of empirical studies. Beyond that, multivariate statistical methods and meta-analyses supply techniques to examine more specific questions.

Evaluation methodology is a field for application-oriented usage of a variety of social-scientific methods.

New publications

  • Mahesan, D., & Fischer, R. (accepted/in press). The affective consequences of response inhibition determine no-go based crosstalk effects in dual tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

  • Huber, R., Fischer, R., & Kozlik, J. (2023).  When a smile is still a conflict: Affective conflicts from emotional facial expressions of ingroup or outgroup members occur irrespective of the social interaction context. Acta Psychologica 239.

  • Sommer A.Fischer R., Borges U., Laborde S., Achtzehn S., Liepelt R. (2023) The effect of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on cognitive control in multitasking. Neuropsychologia. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2023.108614.

  • Lück, I., Mittelstädt, V., Mackenzie, I. G., & Fischer, R. (2023). Transfer of task-probability-induced biases in parallel dual-task processing occurs in similar, but is constraint in distinct task sets. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication.

  • Mahesan, D., Antonenko, D., Flöel, A., & Fischer, R. (2023). Modulation of the executive control network by anodal tDCS over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex improves task shielding in dual tasking. Scientific Reports13(1), 6177. DOI:

  • Hoffmann, S., Fischer, R., & Liepelt, R. (2023). Valence moderates the effect of stimulus-hand proximity on conflict processing and gaze-cueing. PeerJ 11:e15286. doi:

  • Ellinghaus, R., Janczyk, M., Wirth, R., Kunde, W., Fischer, R., & Liepelt, R. (2023). Opposing influences of global and local stimulus-hand proximity on crosstalk interference in dual-tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. doi: 10.1177/17470218231157548

  • Giraudier, M., Ventura-Bort, V., Burger, A. M., Claes, N., D’Agostini, M., Fischer, R., Franssen, M., Kaess, M., König, J., Liepelt, R., Nieuwenhuis, S., Sommer, A., Usichenko, T., Van Diest, I., von Leupold, A., Warren, C. M., & Weymar, M. (2023). Evidence for a modulating effect of transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation (taVNS) on salivary alpha-amylase as indirect noradrenergic marker: a pooled mega-analysis. Brain Stimulation. doi: 10.1177/1747021823115754
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