Research Topics

  • Self- and Proxy-Reports in Pediatric Outcome & Experience Assessment
  • Ambulatory Assessment & Computer-Adaptive Testing in Pediatric Research
  • Behavioral Indicators of Well-Being and Quality of Life in Children
  • Prevention Programs in Adolescence
  • Transition Research


  • Dr. Willyane Alvarenga, University of São Paulo
  • Prof. Dr. Catherine Arnaud, University of Toulouse
  • Prof. Dr. Monika Bullinger, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
  • Prof. Dr. John Chaplin, University of Gothenburg
  • Prof. Dr. Jérôme Fauconnier, University of Grenoble
  • Prof. Dr. Nicole von Steinbuechel, University Medicine Goettingen
  • Prof. Dr. Ute Thyen, University Medicine Luebeck


Planned Projects



Smart chatbot-assisted outpatient follow-up of depression in adolescents and young adults (Intelligente, Chatbot-assistierte ambulante Nachsorge der Depression bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen)




Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement in Pediatric Telemedicine


Current Projects


Meeting the challenges of a successful transition in young people with disabilities: participation, health and quality of life in a life course perspective (TRANS-DISAB / SPARCLE III)

University Medicine of Luebeck, University of Grenoble, University of Toulose (DFG/ANR)


Privileg-M: Impact of psychotherapy and telemedicine on maternal mental stress and child's health (PriVileG-M) P2 – Ambu­latory Assessment

University Medicine Greifswald (Depts. Psychiatry, Gynecology, Pediatrics), HS Neubrandenburg (State Authority MV)

Completed Projects


Transition competence of adolescents with chronic health conditions during transition from pediatric to adult health care services: development and evaluation of a patient education program (BMBF)

Qualification Works

  • Psychometric and conceptual analysis of patient-oriented, health-psychological constructs, with a developmental perspective, of children and adolescents with chronic diseases (Henriette Markwart, 2019)
  • Potential of naturalistic behavioral data as indicators of subjective well-being in childhood – an intensive longitudinal study design in a naturalistic setting (Marie Bischoff, in progress, graduation degree Dr. rer. nat.)
  • Development and determinants of prenatal and postnatal maternal attachment - assessment via Ecological Momentary Assessment (Marie Bischoff, in progress, graduation degree Dr. rer. med.)



Chaplin, J., Muehlan, H., & Arbuckle, R. (2020). Registered reports and pediatric research. Quality of Life Research.(OnlineFirst)

Bischoff, M., Schmidt, S., & Muehlan, H. (2020). Development and Validation of the Child Humor Orientation Scale Short‐Form. Humor. (OnlineFirst)

Alvarenga, W.A., Nascimento, L.C., dos Santos, C.B., Biaggi Leite, A.C.A., Muehlan, H., Schmidt, S., Bullinger, M., de Carvalho, E.C., Bredle, J., Arnold, B., Coelho, R.C., Vieira, M. (2019). Measuring spiritual well‐being in adolescents with chronic illness using the Brazilian FACIT‐Sp‐12: Age adaptation of the self‐version, development and validation of the proxy‐version. Journalof Religion & Health. (OnlineFirst) 

Klein, M.O., Barthel, D., Thyen, U., Otto, C., Nolte, S., Meyrose, A.‐K., Fischer, F., Schmidt, S., Devine, H., Muehlan, H., Walter, O., Mierke, A., Fischer, K.I., Ankermann, T., Rose, M., Ravens‐ Sieberer, U. (2018). Der Kids‐CAT. Eine Übersicht zu Validität, Praktikabilität, Akzeptanz und klinischer Relevanz eines neuentwickelten Instruments zur Messung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Pädiatrische Praxis, 90, 283‐292.

Menrath, I., Ernst, G., Szcuepanski, R., Lange, K., Bomba, F., Stab, D., Muehlan, H., & Thyen, U. (2018). Effectiveness of a generic transition‐oriented patient education program in a multicenter, prospective and controlled study. Journalof Transition Medicine. (Online First) 

Thyen, U., Ittermann, T., Flessa, St., Muehlan, H., Birnbaum, W., Rapp, M., Marshall, L., Szarras‐ Capnik, M., Bouvattier, Cl., Kreukels, B.P.C., Nordenstroem, A., Roehle, R. & Koehler, B. on behalf of the dsd‐LIFE group. (2018.). Quality of health care in adolescents and adults with disorders/differences of sex development (DSD) in six European countries (dsd‐LIFE). BMC Health Services Research, 18, 527. 

Bomba, F., Markwart, H., Muehlan, H., Menrath, I., Ernst, G., Thyen, U., & Schmidt, S. (2018). Adaptation and validation of the German Patient Activation Measure for adolescents with chronic conditions in transitional care: Pam® 13 for Adolescents. Research in Nursing & Health, 41(1), 78–87. 

Schmidt, S., Markwart, H., Bomba, F., Muehlan, H., Findeisen, A., Kohl, M., . . . Thyen, U. (2018). Differential effect of a patient-education transition intervention in adolescents with IBD vs. Diabetes. European Journal of Pediatrics, 177(4), 497–505. 

Barthel, D., Fischer, K., Nolte, S., Otto, C., Reisinger, S., Dabs, M., Thyen, U., Klein, M., Muehlan, H., Ankermann, T., Walter, O., Rose, M. & Ravens‐Sieberer, U., for the Kids‐CAT Study Group (2016.). Implementation of the Kids‐CAT in clinical settings: A newly developed computer‐ adaptive test to facilitate the assessment of patient‐reported outcomes of children and adolescents in clinical practice in Germany. Quality of Life Research, 25, 585‐594. 

Bomba, F., Herrmann-Garitz, C., Schmidt, J., Schmidt, S. & Thyen, U. (2016). An assessment of the experiences and needs of adolescents with chronic conditions in transitional care: a qualitative study to develop a patient education programme. Health & Social Care in the Community, EFirst. 

Kietzmann, D., Wiehn, S., Kehl, D., Knuth, D. & Schmidt, S. (2016). Migration background and overall satisfaction with pre-hospital emergency care. Applied Nursing Research, 29, 96-100.

Schmidt, S., Thyen, U., Herrmann-Garitz, C., Bomba, F. & Muehlan, H. (2016). The Youth Health Care measure-satisfaction, utilization, and needs (YHC-SUN)-development of a self-report version of the Child Health Care (CHC-SUN) proxy-measure. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 1-12.

Thyen, U., Bomba, F., Menrath, I., Schmidt, J., Szczepanski, R., Ernst, G. & Schmidt, S. (2016). Patientenschulungen in der Transition: Empowerment für Jugendliche mit chronischen Erkrankungen. Pädiatrie & Pädologie, 1-6. 

Devine, J., Otto, C., Rose, M., Barthel, D., Fischer, F., Mülhan, H., Nolte, S., Schmidt, S., Ottova-Jordan, V. & Ravens-Sieberer, U. (2015). A new computerized adaptive test advancing the measurement of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children: the Kids-CAT. Quality of Life Research, 24(4), 871-884. 

Herrmann-Garitz, C., Muehlan, H., Bomba, F., Thyen, U. & Schmidt, S. (2015). Konzeption und Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Transitionskompetenz von Jugendlichen mit chronischen Erkrankungen – Entwicklung und Prüfung eines Selbstbeurteilungsinstrumentes. Gesundheitswesen(EFirst). 

Schmidt, S., Herrmann-Garitz, C., Bomba, F. & Thyen, U. (2015). A multicenter prospective quasi-experimental study on the impact of a transition-oriented generic patient education program on health service participation and quality of life in adolescents and young adults. Patient Education and Counseling.

Devine, J., Otto, C., Rose, M., Barthel, D., Fischer, F., Mühlan, H., Nolte, S., Schmidt, S., Ottova-Jordan, V., Ravens-Sieberer, U. (2014). A new computerized adaptive test advancing the measurement of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children: the Kids-CAT. Quality of Life Research, 1-14. 

Herrmann-Garitz, Muehlan, H., C., Bomba, F., Thyen, U., Schmidt, S. (2017). Konzeption und Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Transitionskompetenz von Jugendlichen mit chronischen Erkrankungen – Entwicklung und Prüfung eines Selbstbeurteilungsinstrumentes. Gesundheitswesen 2017, 79, 491-496. 

Muehlan, H. & Schmidt, S. (2013). Versorgungsbezogene E-Health-Anwendungen und Lebensqualität: Empirische Befunde und konzeptuelle Perspektiven. Psychiatrische Praxis, 40, 307-312. 

Kamp‐Becker, I., Schröder, J., Muehlan, H., Remschmidt, H., Becker, K. & Bachmann, Chr. .J. (2011). Health‐related quality of life in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Zeitschrift für Kinder‐ und Jugendpsychiatrie, 39, 123‐131. 

Bachmann, Chr., Lehr, D., Janhsen, E., Sambach, H., Muehlan, H., von Gontard, A. & Bachmann, H. (2009). Health Related Quality of Life of a Tertiary Referral Center Population With Urinary Incontinence Using the DCGM‐10 Questionnaire. TheJournalof Urology, 182, 2000‐2006. 

Fava, L., Muehlan, H. & Bullinger, M. (2009). Linking the DISABKIDS modules for health-related quality of life assessment with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Disability & Rehabilitation, 31, 1943‐1954. 

Bullinger, M., Schmidt, S., Petersen, C., Erhart, M., & Ravens-Sieberer, U. (2007). Methodische Herausforderungen und Potentiale der Evaluation gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität für Kinder mit chronischen Erkrankungen im medizinischen Versorgungssystem. Medizinische Klinik, 102(9), 734–745.

Ravens-Sieberer, U., Schmidt, S., Gosch, A., Erhart, M., Petersen, C., & Bullinger, M. (2007). Measuring subjective health in children and adolescents: results of the European KIDSCREEN/DISABKIDS Project. Psycho-Social Medicine, 4, Doc08.

Simeoni, M.‐C., Schmidt, S., Muehlan, H., Debensason, D., Bullinger, M. & The European DISAB‐ KIDS Group (2007). Field testing of a European quality of life instrument for children and ado‐ lescents with chronic conditions: the 37‐item DISABKIDS Chronic Generic Module. Quality of Life Research, 16, 881‐893. 

Pollak, E., Muehlan, H., Mackensen, S. von, Bullinger, M. & the Haemo‐QoL Group (2006). The Haemo‐QoL Index. Developing a short measure for health‐related quality of life assessment in children and adolescents with haemophilia. Haemophilia,12, 384‐392. 

Schmidt, S., Debensason, D., Petersen, C., Muehlan, H., Simeoni, M.C., Bullinger, M. & the European DISABKIDS group (2006). The DISABKIDS generic quality of life instrument showed cross-cultural validity. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 59, 587‐598 

Schmidt, S., Petersen, C., Muehlan, H., Simeoni, M.C., Debensason, D., Thyen, U., Müller‐ Godeffroy, E., Vidalis, A., Tsanakis, J., Hatziagorou, E., Karagianni, P., Koopmann, H., Baars, J., Chaplin, J., Power, M., Atherton, C., Hoare, P., Quittan, M., Schuhfried, O. & Bullinger, M. (2006). TheDISABKIDS Questionnaires ‐ Quality of life questionnaires for children with chronic conditions. Handbook. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.

Petersen, C., Schmidt, S., Power, M., Bullinger, M., & DISABKIDS Group (2005). Development and pilot-testing of a health-related quality of life chronic generic module for children and adolescents with chronic health conditions: a European perspective. Quality of Life Research,14(4), 1065–1077.

Petersen, C., Schmidt, S., Bullinger, M., & DISABKIDS Group (2004). Brief report: Development and pilot testing of a coping questionnaire for children and adolescents with chronic health conditions. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 29(8), 635–640. 

Schmidt, S., Thyen, U., Petersen, C., & Bullinger, M. (2004). The performance of the screener to identify children with special health care needs in a European sample of children with chronic conditions. European Journal of Pediatrics, 163(9), 517–523.

Schmidt, S., Petersen, C., & Bullinger, M. (2003). Coping with chronic disease from the perspective of children and adolescents--a conceptual framework and its implications for participation. Child: Care, Health and Development, 29(1), 63–75.

Bullinger, M., Schmidt, S., Petersen, C., & DISABKIDS Group (2002). Assessing quality of life of children with chronic health conditions and disabilities: a European approach. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 25(3), 197–206.