Prevention, Health Promotion and positive Psychology

The ‘Prevention, Health Promotion & Positive Psychology’ working group is concerned with the potential of positive psychological interventions for the successful design of prevention and health promotion measures, particularly with regard to digital technologies. Central questions concern socio-technical challenges and possibilities for the development and implementation of such programmes, the accessibility and effectiveness of interventions in certain target groups and the sustainable implementation in real-life settings (e.g. school or work contexts).
The working method is interdisciplinary, as interfaces to relevant disciplines are observed and taken into account in the research. The work provides insights for prevention and implementation research as well as for preventive and positive psychological practice.
- Life skills through Instagram? Development and evaluation of a social media-based life skills programme for young people
- Study healthy - live healthy: Implementation of a positive-psychological intervention for students in a peer-to-peer approach
- Sexpress yourself: Promoting sexual health literacy among young people
- Who am I and who do I want to be? Positive-psychological potentials of children's and adolescents' images of the future
- The Working Mind: Implementation and evaluation of a programme to destigmatise mental illness in the university setting
Current publications
Tomczyk, S., Brüser, J., Feltz, O., Jais, D., & Wiesemüller, M. (2024). Gutachten zum Phänomen des digitalen Hasses und der digitalen Hetze. Landespräventionsrat Niedersachen: Hannover.
Muehlmann, M., Tomczyk, S. Mobile Apps for Sexual and Reproductive Health Education: a Systematic Review and Quality Assessment. Curr Sex Health Rep (2023).