Focus artificial intelligence
The aim of the Artificial Intelligence focus of the Future Centre Mecklenburg-Vorpommern + is to support small and medium-sized companies in the state with the participatory introduction of AI-based systems.
Under the leadership of the University of Rostock (Business Informatics), we are developing a method for AI entry and application consulting, the core of which is a systematic approach to the selection, development, introduction and application of human-centred AI systems.
The focus of our work within AI entry and application consulting in companies is on the structural, organisational and personnel changes and their management that go hand in hand with the introduction of AI systems. We pay particular attention to the utilisation of company-specific potential (resource orientation) and the analysis of the direct and indirect as well as intended and unintended effects of the introduction and application of AI systems.
Contact person
Dr. Sandra Lemanski (Universität Greifswald)
Fon +49 3834 420 3858
E-Mail lemanskizukunftszentrum-mvde
Focal points: SME consulting, AI
The project ‘Regional Future Centre Mecklenburg-Vorpommern+ (ZMV+)’ is funded within the framework of the programme
‘Future Centres’ programme by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the European Union via the
European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus).