Dr. Olga Steinberg

Research assistant

Office hours: on demand

Tel: +49 (0)3834 420 3760



Research interests

- Academic self-concepts in adolescence

- Social and motivational relationships with peers and teachers in adolescence

- Emergence and development of interest in school context

- Qualitative and quantitative methods in educational research

- Digitalisation and innovations in higher education teaching

Curriculum Vitae

Feb 2017 ERASMUS research term at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Prof. Jari-Erik Nurmi/Psychology)
23.09.2015 doctorate at Freie Universität Berlin ("magna cum laude") Berlin, Germany
2012 – 2015 Doctoral studies in education at Freie Universität Berlin, ("magna cum laude") Berlin, Germany
2011 - 2012 Research internship in Methods and Evaluation Department, Freie Universität Berlin, SELF research project
2010 – 2011 Master in intercultural education (1.6-„good“), Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2005 – 2010 Teacher training at the Moscow State Pedagogical University (English, German as a foreign language, Art, Physical Education), Diploma with distinction (5.0 - "excellent"), Moscow, Russia
Work Experience:  
Jan 2023 – now research assistant, Greifswald University, Department of developmental and educational psychology. Research and teaching.
Dec 2021 – Mar2023 research assistant, University of Rostock, ZLB. Research and organisation development.
Oct 2015 – Jul 2022 research assistant, Greifswald University, Department of school education. Research and teaching.
Feb 2021 – Aug 2021 research assistant, Greifswald University, Department of school education, research project “Interreg – Greifswald meets Stettin” (Dr. Frances Hoferichter).
Nov 2013 – Sept 2015 research assistant, Freie Universität Belin, Department of education and psychology,research project “PALQUALSUM” (Prof. Uwe Flick).
Apr 2012 – Aug 2015 Freie Universität Berlin, Department of education and psychology, research project “SELF” (Prof. Diana Raufelder)
Further Qualifications:  
Language skills: Russian, German, English  
Computer skills: Microsoft Office, SPSS, Mplus, R Studio, Atlas.ti, Typo3, Citavi, Mendeley  
Teaching Experience:  
2015 – now seminars for teacher students at Greifswald Univeristy
Feb – Mar 2023 teaching practice, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gymnasium, Greifswald, Germany
2008 – 2010 teaching practice, private school “Little Prince”, Moscow, Russia



  1. Raufelder, D, Steinberg, O., & Retzlaff-Fürst, C. (2022). Qualitätsoffensive Lehrer:innenbildung: Einflussfaktoren und Gelingensbedingungen. Ergebnisse aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Leverkusen-Opladen: Barbara Budrich Verlag

Peer-Reviewed Journals:

  1. Steinberg, O., Kulakow, S., & Raufelder, D. (2024). Academic self-concept, achievement and goal orientations in different learning environments. European Journal of Psychology of Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-024-00825-6
  2. Hoferichter, F. & Steinberg, O. (2022). An online art intervention reduces university students’ COVID-19 stress levels. Journal of Stress, Trauma, Anxiety and Resilience (J-STAR). COVID-19 Special Edition, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.55319/js.v1i1.8 
  3. Bakadorova, O., Lazarides, R., & Raufelder, D. (2020). Effects of social and individual school self-concepts on school engagement during adolescence.European Journal of Psychology of Education, 35, 73–91. doi: 10.1007/s10212-019-00423-x
  4. Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2020). The relationship of school self-concept, goal orientations and achievement during adolescenceSelf & Identity19(2), 235-249. doi: 10.1080/15298868.2019.1581082
  5. Bakadorova, O., Hoferichter, F., & Raufelder, D. (2019). Similar but different—Social relations and achievement motivation in adolescent students from Montréal and Moscow.Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education (advanced online publication) doi: 10.1080/03057925.2019.1576122
  6. Hoferichter, F., Bakadorova, O., Raufelder D., & Francisco, M. (2019). A comparison of Russian and Philippine secondary school students on their socio-motivational relationships in school – a motivation typology.International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 7(1), 89-101. doi: 10.1080/21683603.2018.1446373
  7. Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2018). The essential role of the teacher-student relationship in students‘ need satisfaction during adolescenceJournal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 58, 57-65. doi: 10.1016/j.appdev.2018.08.004
  8. Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2017). The interplay of students' school engagement, school self-concept and motivational relations during adolescence.Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2171. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02171
  9. Raufelder, D., Bakadorova, O., Yalcin, S., Ilgun Dibek, M., & Yavuz, H. C. (2017). Motivational relations with peers and teachers among German and Turkish adolescents: A cross-cultural perspective. Learning and Individual Differences, 55, 13-20. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2017.02.004
  10. Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2016). Do socio-motivational relationships predict motivation in adolescents with low and high school-self-concept? The Journal of Educational Research, 109(3), 219-231. doi: 10.1080/00220671.2014.942031
  11. Bakadorova, O. & Raufelder, D. (2015). Perception of teachers and peers during adolescence: does school self-concept matter? Results of a qualitative study.Learning and Individual Differences, 43, 218-225. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2015.08.035
  12. Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2014). The mediating role of socio-motivational support in the association between individual school self-concept and achievement motivation amongst adolescent students. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 29, 347-366.doi: 10.1007/s10212-013-0202-5


  1. Steinberg, O. & Raufelder, D. (2022). Die Bedeutung der sozialen Beziehungen in der Schule für die Befriedigung der motivationalen Grundbedürfnisse im Laufe der Adoleszenz. DGPs, Hildesheim (Germany)
  2. Raufelder,D., Steinberg, O., Hoferichter, F., & Kulakow, S. (2022). Multiperspektivisches Mentoring im Schulpraktikum von Lehramtsstudierenden. DGPs, Hildesheim (Germany)
  3. Steinberg, O., Lazarides, R., & Raufelder, D. (2022). Effects of social and individual academic self-concepts on school engagement in adolescence. ICM, Dresden (Germany)
  4.  Raufelder, D. & Steinberg, O. (2022). Lernmotivation und soziale Beziehungen in der Sekundarschule. 9. GEBF Tagung, Bamberg (Germany)
  5. Bakadorova, O. & Raufelder, D. (2018). Teacher and peer relations of German and Turkish adolescents at school: The motivational perspective. 2nd Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education (CDME) conference, Potsdam (Germany).
  6. Hoferichter, F., Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2017). The motivating role of peers and teachers among Russian and Filipino students - a motivation typology. 17. Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere (Finland).
  7. Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2017). Das Zusammenspiel von schulischem Engagement, Selbstkonzept und motivationalen Beziehungen in der Schule in der Adoleszenz. 5. GEBF Tagung, Heidelberg (Germany).
  8. Raufelder, D., Lätsch, A., & Bakadorova, O. (2017). Adolescents' perception of "good" and "bad" teachers - results of a qualitative study. 15. Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu (Hawaii, U.S.A.).
  9. Bakadorova, O. (2016). Die Entwicklung der motivationalen Grundbedürfnisse in der Adoleszenz unter Berücksichtigung sozialer Beziehungen und dem schulischen Selbstkonzept. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Leipzig (Germany).
  10. Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2016). The impact of academic self-concept on social relations and motivation among adolescent students. 15. EARA Conference, LaBarrosa (Spain).
  11. Bakadorova, O., Lätsch, A., & Raufelder, D. (2016). Causal effect of school self-concept, goal orientation and achievement in adolescence. 15. EARA Conference, LaBarrosa (Spain).
  12. Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2016). Teacher and peer support in the interplay of school self-concept and achievement motivation in adolescence. 15th International Conference on Motivation. Thessaloniki, (Greece).
  13. Bakadorova, O. (2016). School self-concept: its role in learning and teaching, practical implication and measurement considerations. Meeting of the EARLI SIG 17 Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Learning and Instruction, Maastricht, (Netherlands).
  14. Raufelder, D. & Bakadorova, O. (2016). Does self-determination predict the school engagement of four different motivation types in adolescence. 6. International Conference on Self-Determination Theory, Victoria (Canada).
  15. Bakadorova, O. & Raufelder, D. (2016). Development of competence, relatedness and autonomy in adolescence: The role of social relations and school self-concept. 6. International Conference on Self-Determination Theory, Victoria (Canada).
  16. Bakadorova, O. (2016). Chair of the Symposium: Kann soziale Unterstützung ungünstigen Bildungstendenzen entgegenwirken? 4. GEBF Tagung, Berlin (Germany).
  17. Bakadorova, O. (2016). Differences in perception of social support among students with high and low academic self-concepts. 4. GEBF Tagung, Berlin (Germany).
  18. Bakadorova, O. (2015). Do socio-motivational relationships at school predict motivation in adolescents with low and high academic self-concept? Im Rahmen des Symposiums „Academic self-concept, achievement motivation and the role of socio-emotional aspects in late childhood and adolescence“. 8. SELF Biennal International Conference, Kiel (Germany).
  19. Bakadorova, O., & Raufelder, D. (2014). The interplay between individual school self-concept, socio-motivational support and achievement motivation amongst adolescent students. 2. GEBF Tagung, Frankfurt a.M. (Germany).

Doctoral Dissertation:

Bakadorova, O. (2015). Associations between school self-concept, social relationships and achievement motivation in adolescence in the school context . refubium.fu-berlin.de/handle/fub188/10855