Dr. rer. nat. Daniela Knuth, Dipl.-Psych.

Lehrstuhl Gesundheit und Prävention
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Robert-Blum-Str. 13 
17487 Greifswald
Raum: 010

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung

Tel.: +49 (0)3834 86-3808
Fax: +49 (0)3834 86-3801



    Ich bin an dem Zusammenspiel von Risikowahrnehmung, Wissen, Erfahrung und Vorsorge im Zusammenhang von Notsituationen und Katastrophen interessiert. Hierbei geht es zum einen um die Untersuchung des Einflusses von Erfahrung mit einer Notsituation auf die zukünftige Risikowahrnehmung, sowie um die Untersuchung der gegenseitigen Beeinflussung von Vorbereitung und Risikowahrnehmung. Darüber hinaus bin ich an den präventiven Möglichkeiten der Integration von sozialen Medien im Notfallmanagement interessiert.


      • Projekt SOTERIA  - Online and Mobile Communications for Emergencies. Gefördert im 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm (FRP) der Europäischen Kommission.
      • Projekt Snowball  -  Lower the impact of aggravating factors in crisis situations thanks to adaptative foresight and decision-support tools. Gefördert im 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm (FRP) der Europäischen Kommission.
      • Projekt iSAR+  - Online and Mobile Communications for Crisis Response and Search and Rescue. Gefördert im 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm (FRP) der Europäischen Kommission.
      • Projekt ReHiKu (Rettung, Hilfe und Kultur) - Interkulturelle Kompetenz im Bevölkerungsschutz. Gefördert durch das Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK).
      • Projekt CATO - CBRN crisis management :Architecture, Technologies and Operational Procedures.
      • Projekt BeSeCu (Behaviour, Security and Culture) - Human behaviour in crisis situations: A cross cultural investigation in order to tailor security-related communication.


      10/2014 Promotion Institut für Psychologie, Lehrstuhl Gesundheit & Prävention Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
      Titel der Dissertation: Notfallerfahrung und Notfallwissen – die Zusammenhänge mit Risikowahrnehmung und Disstress bei Notfällen und Katastrophen. [Emergency experience and emergency knowledge – the relationships with risk perception and distress in emergencies and disasters.]
      seit 12/2009 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl Gesundheit und Prävention, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald.
      2004 - 2009 Studium der Psychologie an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin; Abschluss: Diplom (Diplomarbeit: Langzeitfolgen von starkem Cannabiskonsum - Eine neurophysiologische Untersuchung).


        • Stumpf, K., Knuth, D., Kietzmann, D., & Schmidt, S. (2017) Adoption of Fire Prevention Measures - Predictors in a Representative German Sample. Safety Science, 94, 94-102. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2016.12.023  Link
        • Szymczak, H., Kücükbalaban, P., Lemanski, S., Knuth, D., & Schmidt, S. (2016). Trusting Facebook in Crisis Situations: The Role of General Use and General Trust Toward Facebook. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 19(1):23-27. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2015.0450
        • Hahm, S., Knuth, D., Kehl, D., & Schmidt, S. (2016). The impact of different natures of experience on risk perception regarding fire-related incidents: A comparison of firefighters and emergency survivors using cross-national data. Safety Science, 82, 274-282. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2015.09.032. Link
        • Glitsch, E. & Knuth, D. (2015). Key aspects of successful rehabilitation after repeated or serious driving offenses. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(4), 336-345. doi:10.1080/15389588.2015.1082176. Link
        • Knuth, D., Kehl, D., Hulse, L., Spangenberg, L., Brähler, E. & Schmidt, S. (2015) Risk perception and emergency experience: Comparing a representative German sample with German emergency survivors. Journal of Risk Research, 18(5), 581-601. doi: 10.1080/13669877.2014.910685. Link
        • Knuth, D., Kehl, D., Hulse, L., & Schmidt, S. (2014). Risk perception, experience and objective risk: A cross-national study with European emergency survivors. Risk Analysis. 34(7), 1286-1298. doi: 10.1111/risa.12157. Link
        • Knuth, D., Kehl, D., Galea, E., Hulse, L., Sans, J., Vallès, L., Roiha, M., Seidler, F., Diebe, E., Kecklund, L., Petterson, S., Wolanin, J., Beltowski, G., Preiss, M., Sotolárová, M., Holubová, M., Sofuoglu, T., Baskaya Sofuoglu, Z., Pietrantoni, L., Saccinto, E. & Schmidt, S. (2014). BeSeCu-S – a self-report instrument for emergency survivors. Journal of Risk Research, 17(5), 601-620. doi: 10.1080/13669877.2013.815649. Link
        • Knuth, D., Kehl, D., Hulse, L., & Schmidt, S. (2013). Perievent distress during fires - The impact of perceived emergency knowledge. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 34, 10–17. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2012.12.002.
        • Feuerherd, M., Knuth, D., Muehlan, H., & Schmidt, S. (2014). Differential item functioning (DIF) analyses of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R): Results from a large European study on people with disaster experiences. Traumatology, 20(4), 313-320. doi:10.1037/h0099858. Link
        • Kietzmann, D., Kallies, K., Hannig, C., Kehl, D., Knuth, D., & Schmidt, S. (2015). Ressourcen und Barrieren bei der Gewinnung von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund im Bereich der präklinischen Notfallforschung. [Access und Barriers to Recruiting Persons with Migration Background in the Field of Prehospital Emergency Care Research]. Gesundheitswesen (EFirst). doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1396889. Link
        • Kietzmann, D., Wiehn, S., Kehl, D., Knuth, D., & Schmidt, S. (2015). Migration background and overall satisfaction with pre-hospital emergency care. Applied Nursing Research (EFirst). doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2015.05.009. Link
        • Prati, P., Pietrantoni, L., Saccinto, E., Kehl, D., Knuth, D., & Schmidt, S. (2013). Risk perception of different emergency situations in a sample of European firefighters. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 45, 87-96. doi:10.3233/WOR-121543. Link
        • Kehl, D., Knuth, D., Hulse, L., & Schmidt, S. (2014). Posttraumatic reactions among firefighters after critical incidents – Cross-national data. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 23(8), 842-853. doi: 10.1080/10926771.2014.938143. Link
        • Kehl, D., Knuth, D., Hulse, L., & Schmidt, S. (2015). Predictors of postevent distress and growth among firefighters after work-related emergencies - A cross-national study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 7(3), 203-211. doi: 10.1037/a0037954. Link
        • Kehl, D., Knuth, D., Holubová M., Hulse, L., & Schmidt, S. (2014). Relationships between firefighters’ post-event distress and growth at different times after distressing incidents. Traumatology, 20(4), 253-261. doi: 10.1037/h0099832. Link
        • Kehl, D., Knuth, D., Galea, E., Hulse, L., Sans, J., Valles, L., et al. (2014). Advancing disaster relief: Development of a self-report questionnaire for firefighters. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice and Consultation. 3(3), 167-183. doi: 10.1037/a0036423. Link
        Andere Publikationen
        • Knuth, D., Kietzmann, D., Schmidt, S. (2016). Notfallvorsorge und Motivation zur Vorsorge in der Bevölkerung Deutschlands. Crisis Prevention, 1/2016.
        • Hillert, R., Kücükbalaban, P., Lemanski, S., Knuth, D., & Schmidt, S. (2015). Soziale Medien in Krisen- und Katastrophensituationen: Ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland, Norwegen und Frankreich [Social Media in Crisis and Disaster Situations: A Comparison between Germany, Norway, and France]. Bevölkerungsschutz, 4/2015, 35-39.
        • Knuth, D., Kietzmann, D., Hegele, K. & Schmidt, S. (2015). Notfallvorsorge und Motivation zur Vorsorge in der Bevölkerung Deutschlands. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Telefonbefragung. [Emergency preparedness and motivation for preparedness in Germany. Results of a representative telephone survey.] Bevölkerungsschutz, 3/2015, 15-19.
        • Kietzmann, D., Knuth, D., Hegele, K. & Schmidt, S. (2015). Notfallwissen in der Bevölkerung Deutschlands. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Telefonbefragung. [Emergency knowledge in Germany. Results of a representative telephone survey.] Bevölkerungsschutz, 3/2015, 10-14.
        • Schmidt, S. & Knuth, D. (Hrsg.). (2015). iSAR+ New Media in Crisis Situation - Findings and Recommendations from the Human and Organisational Perspective. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.

        • Kuecuekbalaban, P., Knuth, D., Szymczak, H., Lemanski, S., Lück, A. & Schmidt, S.  Citizens View on New Media in Crisis (2015). In In S. Schmidt & D. Knuth (Eds.). iSAR+ New Media in Crisis Situations - Findings and Recommendations from the Human and Organisational Perspective (40-76). Lengerich: Papst Science Publishers.
        • Knuth, D. & Rhode, D. CBRN terorism – societal perspectives and attitudes (2015). In S. Schmidt & M. Vos (Eds.). Behavior and communication in CBRN Crisis. Findings and recommendations in case of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear attacks on society (4-59). Lengerich: Papst Science Publishers.
        • Rhode, D., Knuth, D., Van het Erve, A. & Vergeer, F. Communication Guidelines (2015). In S. Schmidt & M. Vos (Eds.). Behavior and communication in CBRN Crisis. Findings and recommendations in case of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear attacks on society (61-105). Lengerich: Papst Science Publishers.
        • Schmidt, S., Knuth, D., Hannig, C. (2013). Die Psychologie im Bevölkerungsschutz – Grundlagen und aktuelle Forschungsthemen. In C. Unger, T. Mitschke, D. Freudenberg (Hrsg.). Krisenmanagement – Notfallplanung – Bevölkerungsschutz. Festschrift anlässlich 60 Jahre Ausbildung im Bevölkerungsschutz, dargebracht von Partnern, Freunden und Mitarbeitern des Bundesamtes für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (341-352). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
        • Knuth, D., & BeSeCu-group. (2013). Results of the BeSeCu-S field study. In S. Schmidt & E. Galea (Eds.), Behaviour-Security-Culture. Human behaviour in emergencies and disasters: A cross-cultural investigation (pp. 88–100). Lengerich: Papst Science Publishers.
        • Knuth, D., & Kehl, D. (2013). Situational characteristics of survivor data. In S. Schmidt & E. Galea (Eds.), Behaviour-Security-Culture. Human behaviour in emergencies and disasters: A cross-cultural investigation (pp. 117–124). Lengerich: Papst Science Publishers.
        • Knuth, D., Kehl, D., & Schmidt, S. (2013). Development of field study instruments BeSeCu-S and BeSeCu-FR. In S. Schmidt & E. Galea (Eds.), Behaviour-Security-Culture. Human behaviour in emergencies and disasters: A cross-cultural investigation (pp. 60–69). Lengerich: Papst Science Publishers.
        • Knuth, D., Kehl, D., Stegemann, K., & Schmidt, S. (2013). Recruitment strategies across all centers. In S. Schmidt & E. Galea (Eds.), Behaviour-Security-Culture. Human behaviour in emergencies and disasters: A cross-cultural investigation (pp. 72–87). Lengerich: Papst Science Publishers.
        • Schmidt, S., Knuth, D. & Kehl, D. (2011). Human behavior in crisis situations: A field study of fire fighters and survivors across different types of disaster situations. In W. Jaskolowki & P. Kepka (ed.), Emergency evacuation of people from buildings (p. 309-316). BEL Studio, Warszawa.
        • Schmidt, S., Knuth, D. & Kehl, D. (2013). RESULTATS DE L’ESTUDI BESECU A ALEMANYA. In C. Cervera & Vallés, L. (ed.), EL COMPORTAMENT HUMÀ EN SITUACIONS DE CRISI. RESULTATS D’UN ESTUDI EUROPEU (p.77–86). Addenda, Barcelona.
        • 11/2015: Fire Related Research and Developments (RE15), Moreton-in-Marsh, United Kingdom.Oral presentation: “Fire safety knowledge and preparedness in the German population.”
        • 11/2015: Forum Katastrophenvorsorge: „Partizipation von allen!?“, Berlin, Germany. Poster presentation: “Notfallvorsorge und Notfallwissen in der Bevölkerung Deutschlands - Eine repräsentative Befragung“, [Emergency preparedness and emergency knowledge in the German population – a representative study.]
        • 6/2015: 24th SRA-Europe Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands. Oral presentation: “Flood experience in Germany – the impact on risk perception, concern, and social media usefulness.”
        • 6/2015: 24th SRA-Europe Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands. Oral presentation: “Risk perception, experience and gender – An investigation of the accuracy hypothesis with respect to fires”
        • 4/2015: Mid-term conference of RN22, Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty: Risk, Uncertainty and Transition, Stuttgart, Germany. Oral presentation: “The accuracy hypothesis of risk perception – the impact of experience and gender.”
        • 10/2013: 3rd International Conference on Crisis Communication in the 21st Century Crossing Boundaries in Crisis Communication, Erfurt, Deutschland 
          Präsentation: “Communication and information needs in CBRNe terrorist events”
        • 10/2013: ISOQOL 20th Annual Conference Energizing the Science of Quality of Life Research: Where Have We Been and Where Can We Go?, Miami, USA. 
          Poster: “The effects of a biography-based intervention on quality of life and depression in late life” Freitag S, Wendt C, Hahm S, Knuth D, Stegemann K. & Schmidt S.
        • 10/2013: ISOQOL 20th Annual Conference Energizing the Science of Quality of Life Research: Where Have We Been and Where Can We Go?, Miami, USA. 
          “Firefighters’ quality of life and emergency-related factors: cross-national data ” Kehl D, Knuth D, Hulse L. & Schmidt S.
        • 09/2013: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie (DGMP)
          Kehl D, Knuth D, Schmidt S. Stressreaktionen bei Einsatzkräften des Bevölkerungsschutzes nach Notfallversorgung: Ergebnisse einer ereignisunabhängigen Studie. 2013 Sep 20; Dresden, Germany. In: In Balance. Abstracts zur Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie 2013. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers; 70-71.
        • 10/2012: 7th DFG-NSF Research Conference Reckoning with the Risk of Catastrophe, Washington DC, USA 
          Poster: "Risk perception of European emergency survivors".
        • 09/2011: Prä-Symposium der Security Research Conference 2011, Warschau, Polen 
          Präsentation: “First results of the field study”.
        • 03/2011: 7th Meeting of the BeSeCu project, Warschau, Polen 
          Präsentation: “Field study - Data-screening and SCQ”.
        • 09/2010: 6th European Congress on Civil Protection and Disaster Management, Bonn, Deutschland 
          Präsentation: “Research about civil protection and disaster management in Europe: The Project BeSeCu (Behaviour, Security and Culture)”
        • 07/2010: 6th Meeting of the BeSeCu project, Brüssel, Belgien. 
          Präsentation: “Recruitment and overall progress of BeSeCu field study”