The Working Mind (TWM)
A programme to promote mental health and destigmatise mental illness at the University of Greifswald

The Working Mind is a workshop-based programme developed in Canada, where it has already been integrated into practice and successfully evaluated scientifically. As the research team of The Working Mind and The Inquiring Mind at the Chair of Health and Prevention, we have extensively translated and adapted the programme for the German-speaking world.
Target groups
Employees and managers at the University of Greifswald can take part in the workshops.
Contents For employees
The Working Mind aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and to encourage dialogue on the topic, particularly in the workplace.
Specifically, in the workshop you can
- learn how to recognise signs of mental health or stress in yourself and others at an early stage,
- receive tips on how you can address the topic in the work context (e.g. in discussions with colleagues or superiors),
- try out proven strategies for dealing better with mental stress,
- get to know possible support services on site and online,
- exchange ideas on how to organise the university working environment in a way that promotes mental health.
Duration of the workshop: 4 hours.
Content for managers
Managers receive The Working Mind workshop with an additional unit in which they:
- receive tips on how to conduct conversations so that they can address the topic of mental health in a work context in a more unbiased manner (e.g. when talking to affected employees),
- familiarise themselves with the legal framework for occupational health and safety and mental stress, including the possibilities of company integration management (BEM),
- familiarise themselves with a strategy for successfully guiding their team through times of (psychological) crisis,
- discuss their questions and concerns on the topic in a protected environment.
For didactic reasons, it is important to take part in both parts of the workshop if possible. If you are interested in the workshop but only one of the dates suits you, please contact us so that we can arrange alternative dates if necessary. Duration of the workshop: 8 hours (4*2 hours).
The workshops take place in presence and in groups of about 8-15 participants to enable a personal exchange. Participation is free of charge, as the implementation of the programme is funded by the Federal Ministry of Health. As the programme is scientifically supported by the Chair of Health and Prevention, we would also like to ask you a few questions about your expectations and experiences.
You are also welcome to contact us if you are interested in the scientific monitoring of and research into The Working Mind. Further information on the research project and the aims of the programme can also be found here.
The Working Mind
Destigmatisation of mental illness in the university setting
Report Psychologie 6/2023 (p. 2-5)
G 3777
Professional journal of the BDP e.V.
48th year - June 2023

Upcoming dates:
In Planning
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Samuel
Tel.: 03834 420 3806
Or: theworkingmind@
Funding note: The project is part of the ‘Destigmatisation of mental illness’ funding priority of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)
Duration: 07/2023 – 12/2025