Research Interests
- Cognitive Control
- Embodied Cognition: Effects of Hand Proximity on Task Processing
- Effects of Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Cognitive Control
- Psychophysiological Responses to Vagus Nerve Stimulation
- Exercise Physiology (Fatigue, Performance Load Quantification, Performance Diagnostics)
Since 04/2023 |
Research Associate University of Greifswald Department of General Psychology (Focus on Cognitive Psychology) |
02/2019 – 06/2023 |
Research Assistant German Sport University Cologne Department of Exercise Physiology & The German Research Center for Elite Sport Cologne (momentum) |
09/2020 – 03/2023 |
Research Assistant University of Hagen (FernUniversität Hagen) Faculty of Psychology, Department General Psychology: Judgment, Decision Making, Action |
10/2017 – 09/2020 |
M.Sc. Exercise Science & Coaching Title of Master's thesis: Kognitive Kontrolle im Multitasking: Auswirkungen von transkutaner Vagusnervstimulation auf die Interferenz in Doppelaufgaben (translation: Cognitive Control in Multitasking: Effects of transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Dual-Task Interference) |
Since 02/2011 | Self-employed as an exercise physiologist in the field of professional soccer (performance diagnostics through lactate diagnostics and spirometry); athletic, strength and conditioning coach (in boxing, handball and recreational athletes); nutritional counseling |
10/2007 – 12/2012 |
B.Sc. Sport und Leistung Title of Bachelor's thesis: Vergleich sportmotorischer Testverfahren im Basketball mit dem konditionellen Anforderungsprofil (translation: Comparison of Applied Performance Testing Regimens in Basketball with the Physiological Requirements of the Game) |